Monday, October 20, 2008


STEP 5: Introduction

Delicious is a social bookmarking website/service, which means it is designed to allow you to store and share bookmarks on the web, instead of inside your browser.

This has several advantages:
First, you can get to your bookmarks from anywhere, no matter whether you're at home, at work, in a library, or on a friend's computer.

Second, you can share your bookmarks publicly, so your friends, coworkers, and other people can view them for reference, amusement, collaboration, or anything else. (Note that you can also mark bookmarks on delicious as private -- only viewable by you).

Third, you can find other people on delicious that have interesting bookmarks and add their links to your own collection.

  • A PBS Teacher’s blog takes a look at the wonderful world of delicious.
  • A collection of links to libraries that use Delicious, including many university libraries.

Optional: Read this article on Social Bookmarking Showdown (ranks and give pros/cons of each social bookmarking websites/services)

Discovery Exercise:

1. View the Common Craft Show video -- Social Bookmarking in Plain English

2. Go to delicious and browse what others are bookmarking.

3. Sign up for an account. It's easy and free!

4. Start posting/bookmarking 3 of your favorite websites or pages.

Did you know? Students in your class can view and use the webpages you've approved only by giving them your delicious url/link. They don't have to have an account to view your bookmarks.

5. Post a comment in the comments area below about your experiences or insights into what you’ve learned about delicious. How would you use delicious? If you like, post your delicious link so others can check out all your favorites.


anambiar said...

I haven't used delicious yet. However, I use Google Bookmarks which is very similar to Delicious in that you can access your bookmarks from anywhere using your google account and you can tag them too.

Sunny said...

havent used it at all..will start using it asap due to its 'use anywhere' nature..

Anonymous said...

I had never even heard of Delicious, but I imagine that I will find many uses for it the next time I go to write a paper and want to utilize several computers. I have created and account and posted a few bookmarks, but just some frivolous ones to familiarize myself with the site. Here is the link:

Anonymous said...


I opened an account in Delicious. Sounds like book marking will be a lot easier..

vangv said...

I really like the tagging in Delicious because it's my tags thus I'll remember it. Also I just love the idea that I'm not tied to my computer in order to access my favorite sites.